It’s not always easy to recognize when your vehicle is suffering from a simple problem that requires a little maintenance and TLC or there is real engine damage as symptoms can be overlooked and seen as “normal.” While not all sounds and smells may threaten the life of your vehicle or truck engine, there are some obvious warning signs that require a vehicle inspection here at the shop right away.
At Lew Broyles & Sons in Cheyenne, we know that in order to keep your car in good shape, it helps to know how it works. Here’s a quick rundown of a system that’s very important, but you take for granted until there’s a problem; your brakes.
Tires are often neglected, but easy to maintain. As long as they work, most people don’t really think about them. However, if you take care to properly maintain your vehicle and your tires, they will last much, much longer. At Lew Broyles & Sons in Cheyenne, WY, we see all too often the results of poor tire maintenance, and the result is expensive new tires. Here’s what you can do to make sure you don’t become part of that statistic.
The exhaust on your truck is an important series of components, that work together to ensure smooth, reliable operation. At Lew Broyles & Sons in Cheyenne, we also know that exhaust systems are especially susceptible to damage and rust; pipes, mufflers, and other parts are exposed to hazards on the road, and to the environment. This situation, combined with caustic emissions and extreme heat, creates a perfect opportunity for problems to arise.
The exhaust on your truck is an important series of components, that work together to insure smooth, reliable operation. At Lew Broyles & Sons in Cheyenne, WY, we also know that exhaust systems are especially susceptible to damage and rust; pipes, mufflers, and other parts are exposed to hazards on the road, and to the environment. This situation, combined with caustic emissions and extreme heat, create a perfect opportunity for problems to arise.
Automotive windows are one of those things that you take for granted, until something goes wrong. One of the more irritating issues a window can develop, is dislocating from its track while attempting to roll it up or down. Why does this happen, and how do you fix it? At Lew Broyles & Sons in Cheyenne, WY, we’ve got answers to your questions and solutions to your problems.
When you think about diesel engines, you probably think about large trucks and machinery, and maybe a few oddball cars over the years. So how long has diesel really been around, and why is it used the way it is today? At Lew Broyles & Sons in Cheyenne, WY, we have the answers.
At Lew Broyles & Sons in Cheyenne, WY, we’ve seen a lot of worn out and tired transmissions. How do you know if it’s time to replace yours?